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Pool Rules

Please be sure to read these rules carefully as they are very important to your safety while enjoying your summer at the Garden City Pool. All members of the Garden City Swim Club are required to follow all of the Pool Rules & Policies.

1. Pool and pool area may not be entered when a lifeguard is not on duty.

2. No running, skateboarding, rollerblading or bike riding inside of the pool area. Bikes must be walked from the gate to the bike rack.

3. Abusive language, profanity and fighting are cause for expulsion and/or suspension.

4. Littering will not be tolerated. Violators will be required to clean up the area.

5. Only members with proper identification and their guest(s) will be admitted. Misrepresentation of membership, or misuse of guest privileges is a cause for loss of membership privileges.

6. Minor members under the age 18 are not allowed to bring guests to the pool unless their parent or legal guardian, who are also a member, is present and remains at the pool with their minor member and their guest(s).

7. Children 12 years of age and under MUST be supervised by a member who is their parent or legal guardian, who will be responsible for the safety of such child (children) in ALL areas including the playground and the baby pool. In order to swim in the big pool, children must be able to pass a deep-water test issued by the lifeguard.

8. NO GLASS CONTAINERS are permitted on the Club grounds.

9. Wheeled vehicles are not permitted in the fenced areas. This excludes wheelchairs & strollers.

10. No animals are permitted on the premises.

11. No person with a rash or skin abrasion evident on their body will be permitted to use the pool facilities.

12. No eyeglasses, contact lenses, earrings, barrettes, bobby pins, or necklaces may be worn in the water.

13. Dunking or rough-housing are not permitted.

14. Ball playing, rafts, floats and all other swimming aids are not permitted without specific permission from the manager or head guard on duty.

15. Children over 7 years of age are not permitted in the baby pool.

16. Management is not responsible for loss of or damage to valuables.

17. No talking to lifeguards while they are on duty.

18. No chewing gum. (sticks to feet and to the filter)

19. All swimmers, including guests, must be able to pass a lifeguard-supervised deep water test. (baby pool for those under 7 – not included)

20. Proper swim attire must be worn in the swimming pool. Proper swim attire is considered to be bathing suits or swim trunks. Only white t-shirts (used for sun protection only) will be permitted to be worn in the pool. Color t-shirts can cause a chemical imbalance in the water. No street attire is permitted to be worn in the swimming pool.

21. NO SMOKING is permitted on the pool deck. Minors are not permitted to smoke anywhere on the pool property, even if their parents allow them to smoke.

22. Spitting anywhere in the pool area is prohibited. Anyone caught spitting will be asked to wash the area on their first violation. Further violations of this rule can be cause for expulsion.

23. Members may bring grills for use on grounds as long as the grills are in good repair and are used on the patio in front of the concession stand. 

24. **IMPORTANT** If the lifeguard blows three (3) long whistles, clear the pool immediately!!! Three (3) long whistles signifies an emergency in the pool.
